Pistol-Packin' Pals Shoot 'em Up
at Delaware County Field & Stream
Saturday, September 15, 2007
"A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free state,
the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
Click here to learn more about our Constitution
Picking up pistols for the first time in nearly 40 years,
Jon Weaver and I went out to the range to fire my prized possessions:
a 1971 .22 caliber Colt Woodsman Sport semi-automatic
and a 1963 Smith & Wesson Model 36 "Chief's Special,"
considered the archetype .38 Special snub-nosed revolver.
These legacies from my father are in pristine condition,
and triggered several admiring comments from the other shooters.
Click here to see me fire a round from my S&W snubbie -- and other vid clips..
Click here to read an interesting history of the legendary "Chief's Special."
And you can
click here to read another excellent critique of S&W snubs.
Despite our inexperience, Jon and I exceeded our expectations
by firing some pretty tight patterns at 75 feet,
a particular feat given the 1.875-inch barrel on the Smith & Wesson.

I have found the Colt Forum to be an excellent and amiable source
of advice and encouragement.
Click here to visit -- and register.
Should you wish to join the conversation, my screen name is

All of the above is true of the Smith & Wesson forum,
an interesting amalgum of wisdom and opinion.
Click here to check it out for yourself.
And this is my new spotting scope,
a Christmas gift from my daughter.
My Latest Addition
With its fully-enclosed, snag-free hammer and +P .38 special ammo rating,
S&W 442 Airweight J-frame revolver is a reliable and utterly discreet "carry" piece.
These days, I never leave home without it.
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on the Delaware County Field & Stream Association.
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