Afternoon's Delight
My extended interaction with an
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
May 20, 2006

I found this beauty resting on a cedar board near the outside entrance
to my furnace room.
It climbed onto my hand, where it kept me company for several hours
while I read in the sun.

As has become my custom when I find something of interest on the
I took the butterfly over to show my neighbors, Austin Warner and
his dad, Todd.
Young Austin has a distinct naturalist streak in him, which I first
back in 2004 when he gladly handled the garter snake I brought over for
his inspection.
Click here
to see a photo of the snake.

After several hours of contended companionship,
the swallowtail joined several of his mates in their search for nectar.

My tulip-popular and ash trees are ideal hosts for the chrysalis stage,
and my flowering shrubs provide an ample supply of nectar for the adult
Interested to know more about the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail?
here to visit's profile page.
Would you like to attract butterflies to
your garden?
here for more information on how to do that.
Click here to
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