Leaf Cleanup at the Barn
(Fall 2019)

I'm still single-handing an acre of leaf removal
-- and at 77, grateful to be able to do so.
I'm no longer climbing tall ladders to clean off the roof and gutters
(I'll be calling my pal, Minor Carranza for that)
but I still get a sense of accomplishment from this fall ritual.

The system that seems to work best is raking the leaves onto a 15 x 20 tarp
and hauling them to the woods adjacent to my property.

On land or sea, the bowline is the perfect knot for creating a loop
that can be under stress but still release immediately. Love the bowline!

The "new" Green Machine is now approaching 15 years old and still doing the job.
John Deere has a great reputation for a reason.

For the leaves closest to the street, the most convenient option is raking them
to the end of the drive for disposal by Radnor Township's Public Works crew.

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